Eating a cookie for the first time!
See Ma,I can rollover!
That's amazing! Aunt Kat and Aedyn in Disney's Playhouse at California Adventure.
I love my bathtime!
Playtime on the Mark Twain!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
more pictures!
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, and Aedyn
9:04 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Better late than never!
Ok, so here is an update of our life during the last month. Ok,well this is mostly about Aedyn, but we are obviously involved. So thanks all of you for not giving me a hard time for falling behind in updates and pictures. Well, the bad news is we have to go court to fight the tribe. We had thought we might be able to fly under the radar and be able to finalize without any more complications,but during the time since my last post about this subject our lawyer has been in contact with the tribe's lawyer and they still want to assert what they believe is their right to intervene in the adoption. This last month has not been easy on us; Shane has handled all of the communication and has done a wonderful job of staying calm and levelheaded, although I know he is mad and scared like me,it's just that I show it and he keeps it in. Aedyn will be 11months when we go to court, and our lawyer sees this as a favorable aspect.he seems very confident about our chances of winning. But, in the meantime we are having to go through a bonding study with a clinical child psychologist so that she can write a report(or appear in court as an expert witness) testifying that Aedyn has bonded with us and it would be detrimental to his wellbeing if removed from our care. We start the study on April 28th,and it is an involved and of course expensive process. But,we will do anything to keep our son!
We have the regular home visit this thursday with the social worker, and then he will write his report and submit it to the courts for finalization. Our lawyer will also be calling on him as a witness at our trial.
So the good news, Aedyn is flourishing and is growing and learning so fast it's hard to keep up.It is so amazing how much Aedyn has accomplished this last month. He is so active, always trying to grab at things he wants. Aedyn has learned to roll over both front to back and back to front. He will roll himself across the entire floor and roll all the way back. He is also starting to creep by pulling his legs beneath him and pushing forward. He has discovered his toes and loves to hold them and stick them in his mouth when he can. He is constantly drooling because he’s teething; he actually got his first tooth on the bottom. He was really never fussy or ran a fever before his first tooth appeared. He loves to eat and anticipates eating time; it’s hard to keep up with him when he eats. He always wants to eat what I am eating and will try to grab it out of my hand. One of his new favorite things to eat is pickles. Aedyn loves to play peek-a-boo, and anticipates our actions and will laugh out loud even before we do anything. He is definitely more verbal about things he wants or toys he likes to play with. He will start to cry (really what I call complain) if we leave the room and he can’t see us. He loves story time and loves to look at the picture ,he gets so excited. He is now too big for his bathtub, we now bathe him in the big bathtub and he loves to splash us as much as he can while try to grab his slippery bath toys. He is now eating five times a day, and he sleeps all the way through the night, at least 10 hours. He can now make raspberry and zerbert sounds with his mouth. He weighs over 20 lbs and is about 27 inches long. Aedyn loves to see new people and he is really fascinated with children. He also is recognizes our extended family members.
So that's about it for now. Please continue to pray for our situation and peace of mind for our family.
oh and I am having trouble uploading pictures so stay tuned.
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, and Aedyn
5:25 PM