Saturday, April 11, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
De ja vu! (post about Connor)
Semi-sitting up
Matchmaker, matchmaker.hahahaha
hey who is that bumbo baby?
Connor's very first taste of rice cereal.
Bubble beard!
A great pic of Kaitlyn and Connor!
Connor chillin' with Uncle Jason and Kaitlyn.
So, as I was looking through the pictures I wanted to put into this post about Connor, it was like having De ja vu. I could go back and find very similar pictures of Aedyn at this same age.
So Connor is growing by leaps and bounds, too. He has started eating rice cereal and he loves it. He gets very cranky if you don't get the spoon in his mouth fast enough. So suffice it to say he's getting chubby especially in his legs.
He has held his own bottle and he tries to sit up by himself, but plops over. We're still working on that one. He has his first go at the Exersaucer and his feet touch the bottom already, yikes he might be taller than Aedyn. In fact I looked at Aedyn's 4 month checkup stats and saw at this same age he was a pound and half heavier and 1 3/4 inches shorter than Connor is now.
Connor loves to be sung too, loves Row your boat, five little ducks, and wheels on the bus, anything that moves his arms around. he loves peekaboo. He loves to hear Daddy's multitude of silly sounds.
His head must be very ticklish, because every time we go to take off his shirt over his head he giggles. He's got a great crooked smile, with 2 front bottom teeth. He sucks on his fingers and thumbs constantly, he will not take a binky. He loves to be in the thick of things, (code for he hates to be by himself if he can't see you, and sometimes seeing you isn't enough he has to be held). Definitely not the independent self-discovery person that Aedyn is and was.
Oh but the greatest thing ever, consistently Connor is sleeping through the night anywhere between 7-9 hours. He startles, and still has the falling reflex so he still likes to be put down swaddled sometimes, so we are training him to be put down unswaddled with the sleep positioner, and hopefully soon we can put him down without swaddling and without the positioner.
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
9:56 AM
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Adventures of Aedyn
I love flowers!
His new big wheel bike Grammy got him, it's great we can help steer him.
Surfin' USA!
Handy Manny, he was a little more excited about him from a distance.
Aedyn, Daddy& Connor
Wow! so much is happening around here on a daily basis that it's hard to keep up.
Well let's start with Aedyn and all the new things- talking constantly, new favorite word is DOOR, he points to them all day long where ever we are. Not only must he tell us he must also inform any person who is nearby that a door is located near them. Other words he uses frequently and infrequently, (depends on his mood)- table, chair, window, shoe, nose, turtle, brother, bath, book, BALL (he mastered this one a while ago), Ba-ball (for basketball), color, sandwich, duck, Caw (which is the sound he makes whenever he sees a crow). He is also using words to name people, just the other day he said Connor, Nina and Aunt Kathy. He is using two word phrases also, like thank you, "it's good", and "a clue", and "blu'es clues" (he is obsessed with Blue's Clues, my fault I guess). I know he says more words i can't think of them now.
What word melted my heart more than anything he said the other day; I had put Aedyn in his high chair for breakfast, sat down to feed him cereal and he leaned over put his hand on my shoulder and patted me and said "MAMA" as clear as day! He had said it sort of before, and had responded to my name appropriately in a command, like if shane has said "give mommy the book" he would bring it to me, but this was different; I saw the light bulb go off and the connection was there. I cried but quickly stopped as to not frighten him away from using the word again. I have been waiting for this moment for he has been saying Daddy for such a long time now I was getting a little jealous, haha.
Let's see other new Aedyn adventures, he loves to play basketball with his mini b-ball hoop, he likes to count things and look at numbers, he can peddle his tricycle, with help, he can put on (sometimes) and take off his own shoes, he can almost climb up the slide ladder by himself. I find i have less pictures of Aedyn accomplishing all these things because he is always moving, he's hard to keep up with, he loves to color. He had he first whack at a pinata about 2 weeks ago, he love it, he had a stick an was allowed to hit with it, he can also put his shapes in the correct shape hole in his cookied jar. His favorite activity is still reading books. we read books all day long, sometimes I feel sorry for his other toys.
So, the next big thing to tackle is potty training, we feel he is ready. The Sign - he stood up in the bathtub then squatted down and proceeded to pee. He knew he needed to peepee so he changed position, that's sign enough for me. I bought him a potty today!
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
11:52 PM