Friday, May 16, 2008

Pee sticks!(No, this is not a new game played with bodily fluids)

It is my unconventional way of letting the world know that Shane and I are PREGNANT!

After trying to become pregnant for over 10 years, through natural and invasive IVF procedures we had finally released the hope that we were going to become parents by becoming pregnant. We accepted our circumstance and embraced the journey of becoming parents via open adoption. Well, of course all of you know what a hard, but blessed journey that has been, because we now have our beautiful son Aedyn who fills our every day with joy and laughter!

We found out that I was pregnant on March 9th and of course were shocked, elated and scared! Our biggest concern was miscarriage. This was not a planned pregnancy, we just figured if we hadn't become pregnant in the last 10 years, even using the very advanced technology of Invitro fertilization, it probably wasn't ever going to happen. Hooray for naptime! Ha Ha!

Of course along the way we have heard the comments you'll become pregnant after you adopt; we knew the odds were against us so we didn't even give it a second thought, we were just going to revel in the awesomeness of Aedyn, and hopefully in the future be blessed again with another open adoption.God had other plans.

I went directly to the doctors as soon as I found out,and everything was on track and by the second ultrasound at 6 1/2 weeks along I could see the heartbeat. At our last doctor's appointment we had another ultrasound and everything waslooking great,Shane could see the heartbeat and we could see the baby waving its arm and moving. Our next appointment is next Friday and 2 weeks after that we have a regular ultrasound appointment where we will be able to tell the gender of the baby. Exciting stuff!

We are still cautious about the pregnancy, trying to become more excited as we get further along in gestation. As of today I am 15 weeks along. Also,we are cautious because I have gestational diabetes and am monitoring my blood sugar 4 times daily and controlling my diet. I actually have lost weight, go figure!

Wow! Aedyn is going to be a big brother. They will be be about 14 months apart! Wish us luck!


Anonymous said...

This post made me SMILE! You know we love you guys and are SUPER DUPER excited to have another cousin in the family! Wonderful! Beautiful! Perfect! =] Love You!!
-Nina & Brian

Helen said...

Woo Hoo..another grandchild to spoil. We are more than happy, more than thrilled and feel grateful and blessed for you and for us :) Grandma and Grandpa

Amber Starr said...

I am SO excited for you guys!! Fingers crossed for a girl... can't help but be biased but girls rule.. Ha Ha!
Lots of hugs and love,
Amber Starr ♥