Wednesday, August 20, 2008

11 months old

Aedyn playing outside
Tug-o-war with Bella
A winning Smile
Working out, with my broom!
Say Cheese!
Learning to walk! We were so ecstatic! I cried!
Playing with the hose, and getting Mommy wet in the process!
Tickling those ivory keys with Uncle Jon!
Playtime with Brayden and Aedyn! A rare picture with me in it!
Maybe he'll be a dentist!
Reading with cousin Willow

Playing with the doggie door! Yes he can now escape!

Aedyn will be 11 months old tomorrow. It's so hard to believe. He has been changing and moving around so much it has been hard for me to keep up with taking pictures. Every time I go to get my camera because he is doing something so adorable, or has accomplished yet another development task, he stops what he is doing and finds the camera. He cracks me up!

Some new things he has accomplished. Clapping!Clapping! Clapping! All day long! He learned to do this last week and he can't get enough. He is clapping both hands together.
And he is almost standing on his own. He is really trying. He can stand alone for a matter of 2-3 seconds before he realizes he's doing it then plops to the floor. Exciting stuff.
Oh, and if I leave the room even if it's just around the corner, he sobs in despair, then when i reappear he starts laughing! Silly Boy! And he puts up with eating his food but really wants whatever Mommy and Daddy are having. Oh yeah, and he's learn to use objects as drums and cymbals beating them together. Daddy taught him this one in the bathtub. And he loves to push objects around on the floor while he's crawling, up and down the hallway and all around the kitchen. Toys are mobile like him. And he know how to open the sliding glass door and screen door so he can get outside, which he is doing right now! so gotta go !

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