Friday, August 8, 2008

Birthdays, Olympics, Lamaze, and Sippy cups

I haven't written in a bit so i thought I would just write what has been and is going on in our lives.

The last couple of weekends we have been celebrating birthdyas in the high desert. Happy Birthday to Mom and Willow. Mom made an awesome train cake for Willow, and we had a brunch with lots of sweet goodies the next weekend for her birthday. Delicious food everywhere that I couldn't eat (gestational diabetes). Small sacrafice for the beautiful gift we wll receive. It was funny to watch Aedyn play with his cousin Brayden; Brayden didn't want anything to do Aedyn. Aedyn was gentle and kept gentle with his buddy, but Brayden didn't want him in his space. But they do both share a shoe fetish!

Well tonight is exciting because the Olympics start. I don't know about all of you, but i love to watch the Olympics. They are so inspirational and more often than not I cry a few times throughout the ceremony and events. Yeah for Olympics, sports, and the blissful ignorance that feels like for 16 days every 2 years the World is at peace.

Tomorrow we are taking an all day lamaze class. Thank goodness they have these all day ones, because I don't think i could do 4 weeks in a row, let alone get a babysitter for Aedyn on Monday nights for 4 weeks in a row. Besides going to my appointments, and reading What to Expect While You're Expecting, this is our first official event to get ready for the new babe. We still have to clear out the daycare room, move our bedroom, move the guest room and do the baby's room. All a lot of work and time seems to be flying!

Aedyn has mastered the sippy cup! Before he was basically chewing than sucking, but he's got the hang of it now. Oh, and he loves to push things along the floor while he's crawling, he's learned that his toys are portable. So funny he cracks me up!

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