Sunday, September 21, 2008

Aedyn's First Birthday

Today we celebrated the anniversary of a miraculous event; today one year ago our beautiful son was born. Thanks to two beautiful people (Amber and Hugh) we were given the gift of being Aedyn James's parents!

This last last year has been nothing short of an unexpected wonderful journey as we witnessed each triumph and accomplishment Aedyn has mastered! He has been the epitome of every parents dream child! From his first cry to his first laugh to his first word, from the first time he sat up, to the first time he rolled over, to the time he took his first (assisted) step he has kept us enthralled with life as a family of 3! His smiles, his cries, his laughter tickles our hearts and souls!

Today we celebrated Aedyn by having a Winnie the Pooh party at our home. We had lots of food, lots of cake, and lots of fun! We were surrounded with love by family (near and far) and a few friends, people who have made a tremendous impact on Aedyn's life!

Aedyn was a perfect boy today. He smiled, laughed, and played. He even participated in opening everyone of his gifts, quite a feat for a one year old to stay focused that long! When it came time to have his cake and eat it too, he cautiously felt the cake then once he had a bite he ripped into the funfetti/chocolate cake with yellow frosting like there was no tomorrow!

What a wonderful day!
Mommy and Daddy wish you the best and happiest 1st birthday in the world!!!

(There will be more pictures to come)

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