They really do like to play together. Connor just usually stares at Aedyn half smiling/half concentrating, and Aedyn showers Connor with kisses and hugs.
Aunt Kathy would be so proud!
Well, after I put Aedyn to bed for the night I decided to take the opportunity to wash bottles because Connor was play contently in the pack n'play. Well the chimes got quiet on the play mat so I went to check on Connor and found this. I just had to take a picture. The thing is Connor won't take a binky, he won't keep it in his mouth no matter how hard we try. He is constantly sucking on his hands and his thumb, and we (mainly Shane) is always trying to take it out and substitute the binky, but Connor won't have any part of it. (Yes Shane I am still trying to keep his thumb out of his mouth)Playing in the bouncy, ie. the baby lazyboy.(it vibrates)
Hey Dad, I can color! Well, mostly I scribble a little bit and then play the "back in bowl" game with the crayons!
You'll notice in the pictures that the boys didn't get out of their PJ's. It was a rainy kinda Pj day, plus they were matching( both outfits had Mr. Fix-it on them) I wanted them to look as cute as long as possible.
Thanksgiving 2012
12 years ago
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