Turkey day has come and gone, but our day yesterday did not consist of turkey and the trimmings, we decided to have lasagna instead. It was easier, which made our day low key and relaxing. We did have traditional goody snacks though before dinner and a traditional dessert of pumpkin cream cheese roll.
We started the day watching the Macy's day parade, we conversed, took a short sunny walk around the neighborhood (I used the Moby wrap for the first time, every new Mom should have one), played Finish Lines, then had dinner and dessert, and finished the evening with watching the movie Fred Claus.
As corny as it might be we announced aloud what we were thankful for, my list included; being a Mommy to 2 beautiful sons, having a loving husband who supports our family wholeheartedly (and who is an excellent cook), having family who loves and supports us 100% and is always there for us no questions asked, the fact we share a beautiful relationship with Aedyn's birthfamily, oh and the fact I am 18 pounds lighter today from the day I gave birth.
We know we are truly blessed!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
4:47 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
3 am
It's 3 am. I am up breastfeeding Connor and it's wonderful. Connor is a really good baby about sleeping, Usually about eating too, although he does get a little temper if he's not fed fast enough. But he is doing well with the breast feeding, and has gained his birth weight back plus some according to the checkup he had on Friday. He weighs at least 7 lbs 13 oz now. He doesn't look it though, his legs are so skinny. And we have discovered although he has the majority of Shane's features, he does flare his nostrils and has a dimple like me.
Connor is such a peanut. And the moment we brought him home it now seems that Aedyn is bigger than ever. By the way he is adjusting well to life as the big bro. He continues to give kisses to Connor and brings him things like his binky and the Boppy pillow. I am so proud of my boys!
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
3:26 AM
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Little Christmas Cheer
Go here if you want a good laugh!
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
9:54 AM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Aedyn's first haircut
Before the haircut
Sittin' pretty
Locks of love for Mommy
Almost done
Big boy transformation
Our little boy is growing up and his hair was growing really long and wild, so we bit the bullet today and took Aedyn for his first haircut. I must admit I was trying to delay this event for as long as possible, but it was just getting too long, and we wanted him to look good for taking holiday family photos.
We thought he was going to be fussy, but he was an angel. He sat on Daddy's lap and didn't make one peep. The stylist cut me off some locks to keep. He looks like a big boy now, (small tear).
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
10:41 PM
We couldn't help but laugh out loud when looking at this picture. He was wearing Connor's hospital cap, and notice the tufts of hair sticking out to the sides. Aedyn's expression is perfectly priceless!
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
9:52 PM
More pictures of Connor
Hanging with Mommy in the hospital bed
taking a cruise around the maternity ward.
Aedyn in Connor's cap! Priceless!
Daddy and his two boys! The Moore men!
"Hi brother Connor", says Aedyn.
A precious gift
Mommy after recovery bonding with Connor
Playing games during the induction phase of my labor.
Grandma Helen and Connor
Granny and Connor
Nina, Brian and Connor
Aedyn meeting Connor for first time!
Grammy Bev holding Connor
Aunty Kathy and Connor.
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
11:48 AM
OMG! It's been 1 week!
Sleeping babe
Holding Connor for first time, I know I look amazing! haha
Getting his Apgar exam
Daddy, Mommy, and Connor
already sucking on his lip
moments after he was born
Good wailing!
Ma and Pa before the surgery
Our last picture as a family of 3!
This is a long post due to being away a week. So finally I am posting about the newest addition to our family.
We welcomed Connor Patrick Moore on Thursday, November 13th at 2:26 pm. He weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz. and was 20.5 inches long.He was born at Simi Valley Hospital via C-section. I was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday evening and gave me cervidil, and then they induced my labor by giving me pitocin. Long story short my cervix never dilated so we opted for a c-section. They had a hell of a time tried to get the Spinal in, it took about 45-50 minutes with at least 2 bent needles, and I got nauseous during the procedure.
Of course the baby was fine, and he cried right away. Even through the sickness I remembered crying tears of joy! Shane got to cut the cord after the baby was put in the warmer. He, Connor, had a little trouble breathing at first but recovered quickly. We stayed in the recovery room for about 1-2 hours, then they wheeled us to our postpartum room. This is where I finally got a good look at him. He was beautiful!
We stayed in the hospital for 3 days, Shane stayed with me overnight while we had family staying with Aedyn. Aedyn came to the hospital to see his new brother. He was really interested in him and was gentle when touching him. Lots of family came to visit us and we are grateful to have shared this miraculous experience with every one of them!
We finally went home Sunday at noon. Our discharge went smoothly and we took the short 5 minute drive home with our new little boy. When we got home Aedyn had just laid down for a nap, and Connor was sleeping too so we left him in his car seat and put him in his crib. We sat took in a few breaths and realized the house was quiet and we were now the parents of 2 boys.
The week has gone by fast. Connor is a really good baby, and does what he is upposed to do; eat, sleep, and poop! He is very alert and very strong! He makes the funniest little faces and he has habits just like Daddy, like sneezing 4-5 times in a row( NOTE: Aedyn only ever sneezes twice in a row). He is eating well, we are still trying to establish breastfeeding, so I'm pumping and we are supplementing a little with formula. He is waking during the night about every 3 hours.
Aedyn is being a good brother, he is very curious about Connor and wants to be in the room when we change him and wants to share his toys. he also gives gentle kisses and hugs to Connor. There has been a bought of jealousy when we brought out the swing and Aedyn wanted to be in it himself and didn't want to see Connor in it. We'll have to watch him closely but he is doing wonderfully.
I have been recovering nicely from the C-section and had my staples removed yesterday. I am moving around a lot better now, although it will take some time to heal, about 6 weeks. that is the worse part because I can't lift Aedyn during this time, so I cant't get him out of bed, onto the changing table, in or out of highchair, or lay him down for naps. Thank goodness for family.
Wow! We are the parents to 2 gorgeous boys! Life has definitely changed dramatically in the last year. We have so many blessings and miracles to celebrate!
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
7:23 AM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
It's official
The doctor is admitting me tonight. They will insert the cervadil to soften the cervix. I will spend the night in the hospital. They will then induce me tomorrow morning around 4 or 5 am with pitocin so that I can start contracting and hopefully dilate.
Hopefully our new bundle of joy will be born some time tomorrow November 13th.
We are ready!
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
3:44 PM
precious moments
I know I am overdue.
I know a part of me is ready to get the pregnancy over with.
The other part is a little scared, not much, but nervous.
My fear comes from the thought that as a Mom of 2 small boys I will miss something.
Like right now as I write this Aedyn is sitting on the living room floor playing with his car, the sun is shining through glass door and beams of light flow across his face and his hair, he looks angelic!
A part of me is thankful for the extra week just to spend time with Aedyn, watching him become fascinated with any of his toys that have wheels, and give hugs and kisses when we ask for them.
I have an appointment in a few hours, the doctor will decide when to induce me.
I am ready for it to happen tonight or tomorrow.
Pray for a safe delivery for me and the baby!
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
8:41 AM
Monday, November 10, 2008
Early Labor
Yesterday, after walking in the Thousand Oaks Mall it seemed that my labor was beginning. I began feeling contractions, and a lot of pressure in the pelvis. We continued to walk and everyone, Shane, Nina and Brian, who conveniently for us were hanging out with us for the day, began timing the contractions. They seemingly began to get closer together but not very intense. We made our way home, and Shane decided we needed to go to the hospital to check out if my cervix has changed at all from last Wednesday and if indeed I was in labor.
Nina and Brian stayed with Aedyn, (which to tell the truth I was not prepared to leave him at that point), and Shane and I went to the hospital. They hooked me up to the fetal and contraction monitor, and checked my cervix. Baby was doing well, and my cervix was closed and a tiny bit softened, not much though. I was not really contracting at first on the monitor, and then I started contracting about every 10 minutes at about a 2-3 intensity level. The nurse checked me again after an hour and nothing changed so they sent me home.
I was tired and still contracting. We went to bed but I had to get up and take a bath to relax, it seemed to work and I went back to bed, still slightly contracting but was able to fall asleep. I ended up being able to sleep, but having anxious dreams. When I woke up I was not contracting and have had only about 2-3 noticeables ones so far.
I still have my appointment on Wednesday, but the nurse said to go to the hospital if my water broke, if I was bleeding, or if my contractions because closer and more intense. She said if that does not happen by Wednesday, that my doctors usual protocol is to admit me to the hospital that night after my appointment, give me cervadil to soften and thin the cervix, and then induce me with pitocin the next morning.
Last night was a practice run, and hopefully I will not have to be induced. I am going to go out today to walk again. Finally I am feeling anxious and ready!
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
10:40 AM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
D-Day (& other news)
Today is my due date. I prayed that miraculously that something would happen today, like LABOR! Realistically, my body disagrees so far.
It's seems weird that on the due date of our second born, we are having to jump through yet another hoop in the fight for our first born! We finally got information on where to go to have a DNA test done on Aedyn. (Refresher - the tribe asked for a continuance in order to verify through a DNA test that Aedyn is a part of the tribe, and more so that he has some DNA that matches Hugh's aunt, the tribe's choice for adoptive parent.) All that is required is a swab of Aedyn's cheek, no biggy, I guess it's just the thought of it. As explained before, it doesn't hurt or benefit our case if the match comes back positive because we have said from the beginning that he has indian heritage. Now unless the results come back no match at all then obviously things are in our favor.
Good news, the DNA collection site is in Shane's building, so we get to visit Daddy at work today.
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
10:29 AM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
1 day to go to due date
Well I had an appointment yesterday and today. Yesterday we had an ultrasound to check the size of the baby. Usually gestational diabetic babies are large, and doctor's will induce before the baby gets too big. But in our case, according to the measurements our little guy is a wee peanut. Only about 6 1/2 pounds. But his head is down, and believe it or not, we actually saw hair, he has hair! Today I had another non-stress test, everything was fine. I had a contraction during the test and little Connor didn't like it, he moved so we had to find the heartbeat again. The doc checked my cervix and it's still closed. I have another appointment in one week, to do another non-stress test, and check the cervix again. If nothing has changed then we will schedule a date for induction sometime next week.
I know everyone is anxious and excited, so are we. It just seems that Connor is not ready to face the world yet!
Posted by
Shane, Deanna, Aedyn, & Connor
12:27 PM